
  • fajar_shodiq posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    saac Newton
    (1642–1727) was born in the tiny hamlet of
    Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire in England. At Trinity Col-
    lege, Cambridge University, he studied contemporary
    works, such as a Latin edition of Descartes’s
    La Ge
    and John Wallis’s book on infinite series. Inspired by the
    latter he produced, while still a student, the infinite series
    expansion for the
    binomial expression
    ; the finite
    version shown on the stamp had been known centuries
    In the 17th century much progress had been made on the
    two branches of the infinitesimal calculus, now called ‘dif-
    ferentiation’ and ‘integration’. It was gradually becoming
    realised that these processes are inverse to each other.
    Around 1666 Newton investigated the rules of calculus and
    explained for the first time why this inverse relationship
    The story of Isaac Newton and the apple is well known.
    Seeing an apple fall to the ground, he realised that the
    gravitational force pulling it to earth was the same as that
    which kept the moon orbiting the earth and the earth
    orbiting the sun. This planetary motion is governed by a
    universal law of gravitation
    , the
    inverse-square law
    : the
    force of attraction between two objects varies as the product
    of their masses and inversely as the square of the distance
    between them.
    In his
    Principia Mathematica
    (1687), possibly the greatest
    scientific work of all time, Newton used this law to explain
    Kepler’s laws of
    elliptical planetary motion
    and account for
    cometary orbits, the variation of tides, and the flattening of
    the earth at the poles due to the earth’s rotation