
  • Agung Sarjanto posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    recognized that the social sciences special political and economic, as well as psychology, do not treat
    the phenomenon of social customs, standards and institutions as
    The head of their subjects. Indeed, science is treated as
    social phenomenon, if at all, only as related to a special sub-
    ject-matter of each. So there has been abandoned for the impor-
    tant residual problems of origin and growth of social cus-
    tom, standards and institutions, and this problem should be-
    came the specialized field of science that is legitimate and independent
    Sociology, like some other sciences, may
    divided into two branches: pur-e sociology, namely, the theory
    and sociology history (sometimes style “scientific sociol-
    ogy, “but wrongly so designatd if the term implies that
    Another branch is not scientific); and applied sociology, various
    called social pathologies, social or economic, or social legislation
    and social work.
    pure sociology deals with the laws governing
    origin, growth and evolution of social customs, standards and
    institutions. It analyzes social phenomenon into its elements
    and tried to explain the relative importance of such conditions
    ing as a biological phenomenon (eg, is the standard
    the inferior races as inferior original?), geographic (or,
    is of a low standard due to lack of natural resources
    or isolation?), engineering (or, is low because the standard
    a misguided attempt to control the properties or disrupt na-
    tural process standards?), and social (or, lower because
    is a young race and did not have long social experience?). Thereby
    in sociology as far as pure throws new light on an old problem with
    assembly of biological data, geography, psychology and an-
    thropology, it is synthetic; in so far as it assembles statistics
    Data and reveal new and unexpected relationships, it was
    applied sociology study the causes that force people
    individually and collectively to live under their “normal” stand
    ARDS life exemplified in applicable customs,
    traditions and institutions of the time (which was analyzed and determined
    by pure sociology). Therefore, studying the causes of poverty and
    dependence, the causes of crime, and social causes sickness
    and disease. But sociology applied also sought to find
    principle (and here should borrow from pure sociology),
    and to develop techniques, which, if implemented, would be good
    prevent the recurrence of social pathological conditions, or

    At least ease the abnormal situation. For example, the principle of
    casework principles applied to the rehabilitation of the family; -individuals that
    vidualization penalty to secure reforms; and was the
    troduction investigation, follow-up work and ideals res-
    toration for self-support, in practice poor-relief.
    Briefly stated, traces of pure sociology and defines ordinary
    human tendencies and standards; effort applied sociology
    to preserve and re-establish them.
    therefore we can define sociology as a science
    origin, growth and evolution of social customs, standards and
    institutions. It analyzes and defines them, and learn
    causes that tend to force people under normal standards, so
    showed us how to prevent recurrent deviations from these norms,
    and to alleviate the abnormal condition.